Assalamu Alaikum Welcome To Kazmi Tourism
If you are looking for a peaceful place away from home, then just go for Umrah
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Tawaf-e- Kaba (Haram)
Alhamdulillah,  you or your entire family are absolutely ready to perform Umrah, it is an incredible and relaxing experience.
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Saudi is the city where Allah shower his mercy
you or your entire family are absolutely ready to perform Umrah, it is an incredible and relaxing experience. Take a closer look at the Umrah packages we provide and choose a Umrah package for yourself
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Kazmi Tourism

Saudi is the city where Allah shower his mercy

Experience: With years of experience in the tourism industry, Kazmi Tourism has established itself as a reliable and trustworthy travel partner.

Tawaf is a fundamental ritual in Islam, performed by Muslims during the Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages. It involves walking seven times around the Kaaba, the sacred cube-shaped building in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The Kaaba is considered the holiest site in Islam and is the direction of prayer for Muslims worldwide.

Four Important Duties in Umrah

The four essential parts of Umrah, considered “fard” (obligatory acts), are: entering Ihram (sacred state), performing tawaf (circumnavigating the Kaaba), performing sa’i (walking between Safa and Marwa), and shaving the head or cutting the hair (halq or taksir)

Madina Munawara

Madina, also known as Medina, is a city in the Hejaz region of Saudi Arabia, considered the second holiest city in Islam after Mecca.
Madina was the destination of the Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) migration (Hijra) from Mecca in 622 CE. The city was previously known as Yathrib but was renamed Madina, which means "city" in Arabic. Madina became the capital of the Islamic state and the center of the Islamic community.
Visiting Madina, the second holiest city in Islam, is considered a blessed experience that offers numerous spiritual, emotional, and social benefits. Here are some of the benefits of visiting Madina:

Our Umrah Group

Every month people take Umrah package from Kazmi Tourism. And they all go to Umrah. Kazmi Tourism has won the trust of people. This is our special thing. We do what we say.


Performing a Umrah and what is required to perform Umrah. Kazmi Tourism is ready to explain you step by step in detail.

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Assalamualaikum (السلام عليكم)

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